Tuesday 19 March 2013

Why Lemons are better than a whole fruit basket: VW 'Lemon' Ad (1960's)

I have chosen a campaign that shows originality, humour and simplicity in the rawest of forms. The advert in particular is the VW advert entitled 'Lemon', which DDB New York created in the 1960's. Being the first advertising form to bare its brittle bones of honesty to the public was revolutionary. No previous campaign had projected such morality to its target audience and was proud to do so. The ad pictures the car and a description of its scrutinised journey from production to market. It didn't shout over other models or sell 'corporate lies' of dramatic lifestyle changes consumers might experience along with its purchase, it simply offered a reliable, truthful and quirky car that consumers could relate to. I believe this was effective as it commandeered a place in post-war hearts of consumers looking for an area of comfort in their lives. Many argue this sparked a 'golden era' in advertising where others followed in VW's steps. This emphasises the impact it had on society but also the advertising world. Similarities can be drawn today from Tesco Mobile adverts and how they position themselves against the Cadillacs of the mobile industry with their message of simplicity.   

Possibly one of the greatest ads of its time? What do you think? Contact me on Twitter @nickwilliamgale

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